Energy Futures Finance Forum — Increasing the quality of investments for deep decarbonization.

Energy Futures Finance Forum

Successfully achieving the global clean energy transition requires more than just technological progress – massive financing and investment are needed to deploy decarbonization assets at scale.

The Energy Futures Finance Forum (EF3) offers policy recommendations reflecting an investor’s perspective that decarbonization investments must be a blue chip.

Energy Futures Finance Forum Mission

EF3 analyzes the policy and regulatory barriers to large, private capital flows to decarbonization opportunities and provides actionable recommendations in response.

EF3 offers policy recommendations reflecting an investor’s perspective that decarbonization investments must be blue chip.

EF3 will provide rigorous, unbiased analysis and thought leadership, coupled with broad and continuous stakeholder engagement, to form policy recommendations at the intersection of finance and clean energy to drive deployment and diffusion of essential technologies. Through its research and engagement activities, EFwill help facilitate international, national, and industrywide efforts to scale up investments to decarbonize the economy.

Meet the EF³ Leadership

Photo of Steve Comello

Stephen D. Comello

Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives
Executive Director at the Nuclear Scaling Initiative
Managing Director, Energy Futures Finance Forum

Meet the EF³ Advisory Board

Martina L. Cheung
Martina L. Cheung
President, S&P Global Ratings
Alain Ebobissé
Alain Ebobissé
Chief Executive Officer, Africa50
Jonathan Garfinkel
Jonathan Garfinkel
Partner, TPG
Charles O. Holliday Jr.
Charles O. Holliday Jr.
Executive Chairman, Mission Possible Partnership
Michael V. Johnson
Michael V. Johnson
Vice Chairman, Head of Energy Transition Team, JPMorgan Chase
Mindy S. Lubber
Mindy S. Lubber
Chief Executive Officer & President, Ceres
Anne Simpson
Anne Simpson
Global Head of Sustainability, Franklin Templeton
Laura D. Tyson
Laura D. Tyson
Distinguished Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley


The Energy Futures Finance Forum is grateful to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for its generous founding grant.