Erik Olson

Research Associate

Photo of Erik Olson

Erik Olson (he/him) is a Research Associate at the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI). He comes with a background of thinking at the intersection of technological, environmental, and political challenges to provide high-quality and timely research and analysis on energy policy matters.

Prior to EFI, he helped impact and implement statewide energy policy at the Virginia Department of Energy—supporting key decision-makers and stakeholders in government. Before that, he studied and wrote about deep decarbonization technologies and how to make clean energy cheap at the Breakthrough Institute. Olson developed his passion for clean energy technology and policy while a mechanical engineering student at Utah State University—where he was a leader in student government.

Outside of work, Olson is an avid skier, hiker, and guitarist who enjoys playing pickup basketball and is an enthusiastic reader of The Atlantic. He also currently serves as the president of his alumni chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.

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