On Wednesday, October 27th, the Labor Energy Partnership (LEP) unveiled its new website! The LEP, a collaboration between the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI), was formed in 2020 to unite labor and energy priorities. The new site is a central hub for the Partnership’s existing research studies and products. It also archives past events hosted by the LEP and will preview upcoming events.
Led by EFI CEO and founder Ernest Moniz and AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler, the LEP was launched on Earth Day, 2020. With energy and climate expertise from EFI combined with leaders and affiliates of the AFL-CIO, the LEP aligns climate and labor goals to develop sound solutions to the climate crisis, following four guiding principles:
1) Energy policy must be based on solid scientific review that acknowledges that climate change is real, anthropogenic, and represents an existential threat to human society.
2) Successful social solutions to climate change must be based on an “all-of-the- above” energy source strategy that is regionally focused, flexible, preserves optionality, and addresses the crisis of stranded workers.
3) An essential priority of all climate policy solutions is the preservation of existing jobs, wherever possible, and the creation of new ones that are equal to or better than those that are displaced.
4) Climate policy represents an economic opportunity to the United States when the benefits of new technology deployment result in the creation of quality jobs and the creation of competitive domestic supply chains.
Check out the website at laborenergy.org, and be sure to subscribe for alerts on upcoming activity from the LEP!
— Angie Kaufman
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