Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) Founder Ernest Moniz has made numerous media appearances on live news programs since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shook energy markets and disrupted Europe’s political landscape. On March 18, he was the featured guest on Real Time with Bill Maher, broadcast from Los Angeles.
“Gen X is reliving their childhood concerns about nuclear war,” Moniz said. “This has all come about because of Putin’s rather reckless language in terms of possibly using nuclear weapons.” He added that this is the “most dangerous period,” for world peace since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The interview marked Moniz’s third appearance on the HBO topical satirical show, and Real Time video excerpts have been viewed some 800,000 times on YouTube. Check out the Real Time video, Real Overtime video, and a clip on nuclear power, or read a full transcript of Moniz’ remarks.
–David Ellis
Moniz on Real Time with Bill Maher
Real Overtime
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