Alison Silverstein

Distinguished Associate

Photo of Allison Silverstein

Alison Silverstein is an independent consultant, strategist, and writer on electric transmission and reliability, energy efficiency, and technology adoption issues.

She organized and wrote the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Staff Report on Electric Markets and Reliability” (August 2017) and co-authored, “A Customer-focused Framework for Electric System Resilience” (May 2018). She also organized and co-authored DOE’s 2015 National Transmission Congestion Study and the 2006 and 2009 National Electric Transmission Congestion Studies. Silverstein has worked on a number of major federal electricity studies, including the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative framework and Hawaii’s renewables and reliability integration efforts. She currently serves as project manager for the North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NAPSI), which aims to improve power system reliability and visibility through wide area measurement and control by fostering the use and capabilities of synchrophasor technology. Silverstein was an advisor for Chairman Pat Wood, III, at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from July 2001 through July 2004, co-chairing the 2003 Electric Systems Investigation for the U.S.- Canada Blackout Investigation and writing the investigation reports. 

Silverstein serves on the Boards of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians, and the Advisory Boards of Invenergy, Resilient Grid, and the Center for Renewables Integration. Silverstein has a MBA from Stanford University and MSE in Systems Analysis from John Hopkins University. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from John Hopkins University. 

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