Gabrielle Easthouse

Research Intern

Photo of Gabby Easthouse

Gabrielle Easthouse is a Research Intern at Energy Futures Initiative (EFI). Easthouse recently graduated from the University of Washington where she received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Resource Management.

Before EFI, Easthouse worked for the Seattle District Army Corps of Engineers as a Regulatory Branch Intern. In this role, she evaluated overwater construction projects’ impacts on Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed species, as well as compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations. She also served as a point of contact to Washington State Tribal officials for project’s environmental and treaty compliance.

At the University of Washington, Easthouse conducted research in solar energy, climate change, and environmental policy. She assisted a University of Washington atmospheric science professor with a multi-year solar irradiance study through data collection and maintenance of radiometric instruments. Easthouse was also an active member of a student run organization, UW Solar, where she assisted in research for campus solar panel installation projects.

In her free time, Easthouse enjoys exploring the outdoors, backpacking, skiing, and traveling.

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